RCMC Newsletter
March 2023
March 2023 - Live MeetingsMarch 2nd.- Mayor Cam Guthrie: City of Guelph: State of the Union
Presentation: Cam will be addressing current issues in Guelph along with his vision and future goals for our community. There will be time for members to address Cam with questions from the floor. Bio: Cam Guthrie was re-elected Mayor of Guelph in 2018, after serving as Mayor from 2014 to 2018 and as a Councillor for Ward 4 from 2010 to 2014. He currently serves as the Chair of Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM), a group of 29 Mayors of cities with 100,000 people or more, who collectively represent 70 per cent of Ontario’s population. In March 2022, he was appointed to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) Board of Mayors, representing North America. Cam was a licensed insurance broker and local entrepreneur for 16 years before becoming Mayor. An avid community volunteer, Cam has served on the Boards of several local not-for-profit organizations and mentored startups and small business owners through the Business Centre of Guelph-Wellington. He holds a business diploma from Sir Sandford Fleming College. An accomplished drummer, Cam has been a member of local bands, played on several studio recordings, and produced or co-produced several albums. Cam’s roots in Guelph stretch back to 1919, when his great-grandfather founded Guthrie’s Bakery on Quebec Street in downtown Guelph. Cam and his wife Rachel are proud parents of two children, Anakin and Adelaide. 10am. To be followed by Live Questions March 16th.- Matthew Curtis: Laparoscopic Surgery
Presentation: Please join us as he shares the past, present, and future of surgical robotics and how the growing access to robotic assisted surgery in Canada will help reduce the length of stay in hospitals and improve the episode of care. Bio: Matthew Curtis is a born and raised local Guelph-ite. He attended the University of Guelph and studied Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Business. His passions for the systems and tools that surgeons use to help increase the quality of care for individuals lead him into pursing a career in MedTech. Matthew has experience launching orthopedic navigation systems in international markets and working with Canadian physicians to adopt robotic assisted surgery. 10am. To be followed by Live Questions. March 30th.- Kate Howells & Dr. Joanne O'Meara:
Communications Strategist at the Planetary Society Presentation: Kate Howells is involved with a group in Guelph called Royal City Science that does science outreach in the community and is working towards building a state-of-the-art science centre in Guelph. Kate and Dr. Joanne O'Meara will talk to us about this project and the science outreach being done locally? Bio: Kate Howells is a board member of Royal City Science and public education specialist for The Planetary Society. Her work focuses on sharing space science and exploration with the public and empowering people to take action to advance these fields. From 2017-2020 Kate served on the Government of Canada’s Space Advisory Board, and she currently serves on the Board of Advisors for Canada's Students for the Exploration and Development of Space. Dr. Joanne O’Meara is a co-founder of Royal City Science and Professor of Physics at the University of Guelph. She has been teaching university-level physics for more than 20 years and doing public outreach for even longer. Her passion for teaching and learning has been recognized with many awards, including the Canadian Association of Physicists Medal for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2011) and a 3M National Teaching Fellowship award (2019). 10am. To be followed by Live Questions. |
Future Meetings
Meetings for April
April 13th. Evan Ferrari: Fighting Climate Change: What We Need To Do in Guelph
April 27th. Doug Larson: The Dogma Ate My Homework
April 13th. Evan Ferrari: Fighting Climate Change: What We Need To Do in Guelph
April 27th. Doug Larson: The Dogma Ate My Homework
Activities & Events
Spring Mill Distillery Tour – Details TBA
Coffee Mornings
March 9th. and March 23rd.
RCMC Live Coffee Morning
9:30 am Symposium Café - 304 Stone Rd. West
More news to come regarding activities and live coffee mornings
Refer to the website often
RCMC Live Coffee Morning
9:30 am Symposium Café - 304 Stone Rd. West
More news to come regarding activities and live coffee mornings
Refer to the website often
Other News
There is a new What's New section on the Home page of our website. This will give you quick links to any new information which has been posted on the website.
If you have any new content for the website, please send to Ritchie Zelk at [email protected]
Please send any updates to your entry in the Membership Directory, including any change in email address, to Del Campbell, 519-826-0679, [email protected]
Members are encouraged to invite male friends and acquaintances to our meetings.
Members are encouraged to invite male friends and acquaintances to our meetings.