New Members Welcome
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What's New
Upcoming Meetings
Our next "LIVE" Meeting
February 27th. 2025
Ed Herold: Welcome to Getting Old
MASKS are optional and COFFEE and COOKIES at 9:30am
For a list of upcoming meetings please use the MENU above or CLICK HERE
Coffee Meetings
RCMC Live Coffee Morning
The next one is on February 20th. 2025
9:30 am at
Symposium Cafe: 304 Stone Rd. W
Uptown Grill: 694 Woolwich St.
Please join us
Activities Committee News
February 14th.
Valentine's Dinner
Symposium Cafe
To View Menu - CLICK HERE
See Activities Desk for Details
Valentine's Dinner
Symposium Cafe
To View Menu - CLICK HERE
See Activities Desk for Details
The house committee requires some volunteers to help with set up and take down of tables and chairs, set up and take down of some of the equipment required by our audiovisual crew (Nigel and Julian) and the notice board, prepare the coffee and layout the cookies and clean up the kitchen. In addition, the House Committee needs a volunteer for the board of directors to present monthly reports to the board and take part in other matters affecting the Club.
The schedule starts at 8 am and is completed by 11:30 am. Training is provided.
Please contact Bob Berry if you have any questions or are prepared to volunteer.
Bob Berry
The house committee requires some volunteers to help with set up and take down of tables and chairs, set up and take down of some of the equipment required by our audiovisual crew (Nigel and Julian) and the notice board, prepare the coffee and layout the cookies and clean up the kitchen. In addition, the House Committee needs a volunteer for the board of directors to present monthly reports to the board and take part in other matters affecting the Club.
The schedule starts at 8 am and is completed by 11:30 am. Training is provided.
Please contact Bob Berry if you have any questions or are prepared to volunteer.
Bob Berry
Previous Meetings
Please use the MENU above or: For previous meetings and minutes CLICK HERE
For Speaker's Notes CLICK HERE
For Speaker's Notes CLICK HERE
About the Club
The Royal City Men's Club meets every second Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in Trinity United Church Hall on Stevenson Street, just south of Speedvale.
The objectives of the Club are:
The objectives of the Club are:
- to encourage life-long learning by providing a forum for presentations by informed persons on subjects of interest to members
- to provide opportunities for men who have retired from full-time employment to exchange information and views on topics of mutual interest
- to provide opportunities to participate in social and recreational activities to promote fellowship and enjoyment
- to provide opportunities for the formation of enduring friendships.